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Our Philosophy


Natures Playground ELC is built on strong determination and a belief that

letting children be children is the heart of a great adventure! 


We are a family that believes in jumping in puddles, climbing trees and

making mud pies! The natural environment is the best place to begin our

learning journey, and discover ourselves. We believe in allowing children to

grow and explore on their own terms and readiness.

By supporting children emotionally, we create an atmosphere that allows a

child to grow, become resilient, learn to self-regulate and reach

developmental outcomes and milestones at their own time and pace. 

This in turn creates strong individuals, with a sense of self-worth and freedom

to explore and express their uniqueness, interests and passions openly.


Our approach to learning takes aspects from many of the known philosophers

and brings them together to create a holistic foundation. We pluck thoughts

and ideas from many clever people to form a strong, well rounded view that

encompasses many brilliant core values. This helps us focus on the children,

families and community as a whole, without being restricted by pre conceived



At Natures Playground, we aspire to provide that strong sense of family and community. Collaborating and being open to the voices of other people, gives us a strong and supportive network.  

Our educators foster a love for learning, and share that love with our children and families. 

That passion reaches out and spreads through the community and creates a space for everyone to work together and thrive. 

Our educators are the backbone of our service, without whom we could not achieve and honor our vision and goals.


Nature offers us many fantastic resources that we endeavor to utilize within our programs and environments.

We have a strong harmonious connection to the natural environment, and aim to discover our place within it by involving children in sustainable practices and exploring the way in which we can have a positive impact on the world. 


This also extends to the belief that our learning environment extends beyond the four walls of the classroom, and we aim to be able to explore that as much as possible. 

One resource that is usually overlooked is animals and the enriching benefits of having them in our lives. We feel strongly that animals have amazing benefits to both children and adults, thus pets and animals will always be a part of the family here at Natures Playground. 


Our vision is guided by our philosophy values, but remains a malleable, ever-changing thought process that will always be based on our team, families and community. This helps us to stay relevant to the needs of those we are here to support. 


-Letting Children Be Children-

-It’s Our Differences That Make Us Beautiful-


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